Push and Scan an Image from the Registry

Download Example Dockerfile and Sources

Now that our automated scanner is in place, we can test it by pushing a Docker container, and check if it scans.

To illustrate the images scanning we will build an example Node.JS application based on the official “hello world” example described in their website.

  1. Go to your Cloud9 Workspace and download and uncompress example container files

    wget https://github.com/sysdiglabs/hello-world-node-vulnerable/releases/download/v1.0/hello-world-node-vulnerable.zip
    unzip hello-world-node-vulnerable.zip
    cd hello-world-node-vulnerable/
  2. And build and push the image to ECR

    export IMAGE=$AWS_ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$REGION.amazonaws.com/$ECR_NAME
    docker build . -t $IMAGE
    docker push $IMAGE
  3. As soon as the image has been pushed to the registry, a new Amazon CodeBuild pipeline will be automatically created that executes an image scan using the integrated Sysdig Inline Scanner.

    If you wish, you can check the CodeBuild pipeline status by visiting: Developer Tools > CodeBuild Stack details

    If you wish, you can drill down to tail the logs as the scan proceeds

    Image Scan

Once complete the scan will show the status ‘Failed’. Build Complete

Important This may mean the image has failed the scan, and not that the image scan process itself has failed. Check the CodeBuild pipeline logs to verify.

Optional: Further Information

You can see a complete log of the scan process by clicking ECS Scan log. This shows

  1. layers of the image getting pulled and flattened (lines 24-199)

  2. analysis phase, the metadata getting sent to (lines 201-204)

  3. metadata getting posted to Sysdig Backend (line 206)

    • backend analyses the metadata between lines 206 & 207
  4. results of the scan are returned from the Sysdig Backend (lines 207-1979)

  5. inline scanner script returns exit code 1 (line 1985)

See Scan Results on Sysdig Secure Dashboard

To see the scan results on Sysdig Secure Dashboard,

  1. Log into the Sysdig Secure UI, and browse to ‘Image Scanning > Scan Results’.

Sysdig Secure

  1. Click your new aws-workshop image.

    You’ll see the image have several major vulnerabilities.

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With Sysdig Secure you have full visibility of the security and compliance posture across your entire estate, in a single pane of glass, and as a central location for all security profiles and policies.